a documentary by Gerd Kroske



The following information contains apart from the prescribed tasks concerning offerers from InterNet sides the legally planned obligation data to the information provider identification, as well as important legal references to the InterNet operational readiness level of the company realistfilm, Gerd Kroske, Rungestrasse 22 - 24, 10179 Berlin.
"http://www.kehraus wieder.de"

Offerer of this InterNet operational readiness level is in the sense of right

Gerd Kroske
Rungestrasse 22 - 24
D 10179 Berlin

Telephone/Fax: 030 - 92 78 21 3

Further information:
With judgement from 12 May 1998 the regional court Hamburg decided that one has to if necessary also answer for contents of the left side by the mounting of a on the left of. This can be prevented - so the regional court - only by the fact that one dissociates oneself expressly from these contents. The operator of these InterNet sides put on these sides left to other sides in the InterNet. To all this left applies: The operator would like to stress expressly that he does not have any influence on the organization and contents of the left sides. Therefore the operator dissociates itself hereby expressly from all contents of all left sides and does not make themselves their contents not own. This explanation applies to all on this InterNet portal attached on the left of and for all contents of the sides, to which banners or other advertising forms lead.

Legal references
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